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Activity continuity at Total refinery in Donges

On the site of the Total refinery in Donges (North West of France), Boccard’s teams guarantee the continuity of the client’s activity.

Activity continuity at Total refinery in Donges refinery (northwest France)

With the norms in force and the deviation works of the SNCF (replacement of 70ml of 34” under the railroad), it is asked (by the DREAL) to our customer TOTAL to carry out a control of its piping. This ensures the supply of the crude oil of the refinery via the wharves (refinery built in 1967), 844 meters in length.

The purpose of this work is to install a pigging station on the 34″ pipe (DN850), by the Boccard teams on site.

The piping to be installed will be used for the installation of an instrumented pig. This pig will measure all the defects in the pipe before being put back into service. During this control period (approximately 3 weeks), Boccard will provide pigging assistance.

During the works, there is only one pipe that will supply the refinery with crude oil.

Thank you to our teams who adapt to the needs of our customers, on a daily basis and in all circumstances!