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Testimony of Karine

An example of career development at Boccard.
“It’s incredible: I’m still discovering and progressing every day at Boccard!”

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Nuno’s testimonial

An example of career development at Boccard.
“Boccard has enabled me to work in France, Portugal, Malaysia, Colombia and the USA.”

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Testimonial from Duarte

An example of career development at Boccard.
“I benefited from the advice of a mentor and on-the-job training. This has enabled me to develop and gradually increase my responsibilities.”

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« Changer de pays avec Boccard, c’est presque aussi riche que de changer d’entreprise pour découvrir d’autre façons de travailler… sauf que l’on peut capitaliser sur les fondamentaux de la société ! »

Sophie’s testimonial

An example of career development at Boccard.
“Changing countries with Boccard is almost as rich as changing companies to discover other ways of working… except that you can capitalize on the company’s fundamentals!”

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Kelly’s testimonial

An example of career development at Boccard.
“Transparency is essential. Being able to express your needs for change and novelty, trust… A few twists and turns of course, and in the end, it works!”

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