Boccard carried out the studies and the supply of equipment for two new downstream monoclonal antibodies production workshops, for the Korean pharmaceutical company Aprogen, at its Osong plant.
Boccard was chosen for its expertise in monoclonal antibodies and disinfection as well as for its know-how in GMP design (good manufacturing practices).
For this project, Boccard joined forces with its Korean partner Yunsung: while Boccard took care of all the design, project management and procurement, Yunsung carried out the construction of the installation (with plans made by Boccard). The Boccard teams went to the factory in Korea to commission the installation.
In order to facilitate international communication, the teams were equipped with a virtual reality software allowing them to perform collaborative and remote model reviews, thus making it easy to work with the end customer located in Korea.
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Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology ?
Key points
International collaboration
Use of virtual reality
19 skids
68 stainless steel tanks

- 13 process skids including 48 tanks from 800 L to 7000 L with their associated platform
- 6 cleaning skids including 20 stainless steel tanks of 1800 L
- 4 plastic tanks for acid and soda storage for cleaning
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