Home » Testimony of Karine
Life Solutions
My passion for the dairy industry and the associated production processes developed thanks to my professors.
Although I loved my first experience in an industrial cheese factory, I actually began my career in the supermarket sector.
I learned shelving, inventory management and worked with suppliers to plan in-store promotions.
Build with reliability:
it’s the Boccard value
that resonates most with me.
Putting yourself in the shoes of your internal and external customers to make sure they have everything they need: that’s how I like to make my contribution.
A skills assessment carried out when I was 40 reminded me of my passion for milk, cheese and industrial processes. I spotted a job offer as a warehouse worker for Boccard in Montauban, specializing in food processes.
The position is rarely filled by women, however I decided to apply, relying on my know-how in inventory management and anticipation and I got offered the job!
Curious by nature, I analyzed the contents of each crate stored in the store, familiarized myself with what I found there, questioned my colleagues…
I loved imagining the needs of the people in the workshop and ensuring that all the elements they needed for manufacturing was available.
Each project was different, it was a constant learning process. Commercial activity fluctuated: I onboarded temporary workers and shared with them my taste for the organization.
But after eight years, I felt a strong desire for change and considered leaving the company. I opened up to my manager about my concerns.
“Questioning and learning every day keeps me going.”
Then, surprise! The newly created Construction Department offered me the role of preparation deputy.
Moving from the intricacies of the workshop to the very different requirements of client construction sites… Having to satisfy a wide range of customers… I was hesitant: would I manage to adapt? But Boccard trusted me. This pushed me to take the plunge and indeed, it worked!
In fact, I drew on my skill set: be clear, anticipate, imagine the potential requirements, ask questions to fully understand… and that’s right for me!
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